The best time to start? Now!


The truth is you don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.

~ Eminem


On the weekend of January 16th, just nine days ago, I celebrated Christmas with my brother and his family. Wrapping paper was flying, gratitude was flowing, and desserts were consumed. It was glorious!


Monday, January 18th, I received the news my grandma had passed away due to complications from COVID.


Wednesday, January 20th, our country swore in our 46th President.


Thursday, January 21st, I was back at my brother’s house to attend my grandma’s funeral the next morning.


Friday, January 22nd, I was back in Cleveland.


This past weekend, I rested, took down my Christmas tree, and did a lot of nothing.


Today, Monday, January 25th, I’m filled with reflection, hope, and gratitude. Because I know every event we experience is an opportunity to grow, learn, adjust, and move forward, a wiser version of ourselves.


So what are my takeaways from the last nine days? Share my gifts with the world TODAY! Even if my sharing comes across messy, hurried, or repetitive, it may be the exact thing you need to hear today—and today only comes once!


Eminem’s words couldn’t ring more true. 


Over the last week, what one unexpected event gave you the gift of a new perspective? How has this made you a wiser version of yourself?


  1. Did you know I was on a podcast? Listen here as I discuss my book, life perspectives, and hear insights I didn’t include in my memoir. After listening, be sure to leave a podcast review!
  2. Did you enjoy this email? Share with a friend! Are you that friend? Subscribe to this email newsletter!
  3. Email me! I’d love to read your response to my question and, of course, answer any questions you might have!
You got this!

Thanks for reading, sharing, and cheers to new adventures as 2021 unfolds!

xo Penny


TLDR (too long, didn't read)

  • Have gratitude for where you are, right now, in this very moment. Because today is a gift, and tomorrow isn’t promised.
  • TODAY, share a thought, an image, a quote, or your laughter with the world—someone needs your unique energy to put a pep in their step.

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